My work evolves from energy, wit, curiosity, and humor.

My approach to objects, images, words and material is restless and unconventional.                

Sly, silly, rambunctious, deadpan, average.

I like to create things that possess the possibility of changing ones perception, and discovering unforeseen potential.              

I have a passion for old techniques such as upholstery, and joinery, and loud colors such as pink.

I contrast the two, along with contemporary objects and ideas.

I like using found objects.  

I often apply the “right” material to the “wrong” technique, or vise versa.    

My work works when it creates a moment of pause. It gives people a place to go or an opportunity to contemplate.  Where they go or what they contemplate is not important.  I strive for a combination of physical simplicity and conceptually rich. Uncomplicated.  How can I say a lot with as little as possible?

A moment of huh?! Can I laugh at this, or is this serious?  Smart/Dumb

Something that needs to be regurgitated, revisited.  Cyclical, but simple. 

Where does your head go? Can I tickle out that immature dirty brain of yours?

How is the current state of the world impacting your reaction to the work?

Titles are conceptual triggers, additional layers, alternative paths, NOT clarification.

I want to say a lot with a little.